El-Zahra Islamic Center

"The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind" Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Strive for a better world. As Muslims, we are the hope.

After facilitating a short fundraiser for Syria last night and reflecting on the anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica and the current situation in Burma, it is clear there is a lot of healing needed in the world. We can go on and on; Palestine, Egypt, and Pakistan. As Muslims we are required to help others in need and to stand up against oppression. It is imperative that we don’t lose hope in a better world. Its okay to start by doing good for your home country, where you have family and friends, but don’t limit your self to just that. Become aware and support other causes for justice and reconstruction all over the world across culture and religion, not just by donating. And never forget that we are a part of the United States and we should contribute to the bettering of the country we live in as well, starting with our town and being good to our neighbors. No good deed will go unseen by Allah. We encourage all of our muslim brothers and sisters to please make an effort to learn about the struggles of others in the world, not just your own culture, and help in any way you can. And in these final nights of Ramadan, we beg you all to take a moment to pray for those less fortunate and suffering in the world. May Allah make us beacons of light and give us hope. And please do not forget our Masjid in your duas as well. Thank you.
The Elzahra Islamic Center


Updated: August 1, 2015 — 12:09 AM
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