El-Zahra Islamic Center

"The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind" Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak!

Alhamdulillah for another Eid at Masjid El-Zahra! We were able to serve hundreds of people for Eid prayers from all different cultures and backgrounds, a beautiful reflection of the diversity of our Ummah. From bouncy houses to relaxing with friends and family during our morning brunch, we the mosque was filled with smiles on a beautiful day. We couldn’t ask for better weather, alhamdulillah. 

As we rejoice, we did not forget our brothers and sisters on Hajj, those affected by Hurricane Harvey, and others suffering around the world. We pray for them and we strive to recommit ourselves to doing good for the surrounding community. Thank God we were able to provide meat to families in need in New Jersey as well as overseas. May God accept our sacrifice. 

A new school year is beginning for our children and with that we are starting our Hidaya Sunday School strong. Our children are our greatest investment and we hope we are able to provide a safe and fun environment for them to learn and grow throughout the year. Don’t forget to frequent the masjid wherever you are. Stay connected. Love one another and serve the creations of God wherever you are. 

Eid Mubarak!

Updated: September 6, 2017 — 9:04 PM
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